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Tiki Prettiest @ Rockin Bettie 4pm
Once upon a time there was a boy on his bike he learned a new word and the word was psych, psych means to fake something people think you were going to do but you know you really wouldn’t do it.
The players: Joseph Brailsford, Paul Sinnott, Frank Salvo, Julian Matas, Thomas Chrastka, John Barrow, Arles Estes, Rik Wade

The Old Fashions @ Three Sheets 5pm
The Old Fashions is a duet that was formed when a Las Vegas crooner happened upon a New Orleans pianist. The result was a duo the likes of which will have you shaking your tuchas all evening.
Louis Armstrong, Chet Baker, Fats Waller, Frank Sinatra

Tiki Bandits @ Rockin Bettie 6pm
Ungawa! We are the Tiki Bandits from Las Vegas, Nevada! We are Tiki Punk, Lucha Core and everything Friki Tiki!
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